At the Conservative party conference, the Prime Minister announced that the £2 maximum single fare scheme, subsidised with central government money, would continue through until the end of 2024 (instead of what had previously been proposed of a cap of £2.50).
I understand that there was some disgruntlement from some bus companies who felt that the funding offered would not be sufficient to compensate for the loss of fare income from passengers. However, it seems that most bus companies have signed up with the government to continue to offer the £2 fare. The relevant page on the website was updated on 1 November to confirm the bus companies in the scheme and the applicable services.
See below the extract from the website.
I caught both First and Go Cornwall Bus services on 1 November to test what fares were being charged and I can confirm that the £2 maximum fare was applied through the tap and cap system.
Note that the Transport for Cornwall website has not been updated and it still says incorrectly that the maximum single fare from 1 November 2023 is £2.50. Unfortunately, the Transport for Cornwall website is an unreliable source of information generally.