In July, I posted a story about prices of tickets within town zones. I emphasised what good value the all day town zone tickets are at £2.50, but pointed out an anomaly whereby singles and return fares were different on Go Cornwall Buses from First Buses. First charge £1.60 for a single journey irrespective of distance within a town zone, or £2.40 for a return. Go Cornwall Bus were using a distance based fare structure which meant that, in some cases, a passenger could pay £2.00 for a single (capped by the government scheme), or £3.90 for a return.
Following the posting of the story, I contacted Go Cornwall Bus and they promised to look into it with a view to bringing their prices into line with First Bus prices, i.e. all single journeys to be £1.60 irrespective of distance travelled within the particular town zone, or £2.40 return.
I am pleased to advise that the commercial manager of Go Cornwall Bus has confirmed to me in an email, as follows, "We have made the changes where needed. Please do highlight anything we have missed.”
If any passenger does find that they are charged more than these fares within a town zone, please let me know and I will pass on the information to Go Cornwall Bus. But remember that, in most cases, the all day ticket at £2.50 or the 5-day ticket at £10.00 could be better value anyway.